Forget Ур. 5

Takes away the enemy's will to attack.

Потребляет 97 MP
Время перезарядки 20 сек.
Дальность применения 400 (900)
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_derangement
Доступно для Некромант Ур. 58
Forget Ур. 1 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 2 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 3 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 4 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 5 [selected] Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 6 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 7 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 8 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 9 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 10 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 11 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 12 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.
Forget Ур. 13 Takes away the enemy's will to attack.